Thursday, September 07, 2006

This piece is a companion to the one shown in yesterday's post. It is composed of the same materials but a different geometry. Both pieces (as well as tomorrow's piece) were created to reflect a synthesis of art with mathematics. The basic feature in this work is the 'golden triangle', another polygon based upon the Phi ratio. This time, the height of the triangle compared to the length of its base is the Phi value of .618033. Multiple sizes of the same shape superimposed strategically within one another establishes horizontal lines that are then articulated by alternating the different colors of metal. Flame generated spectral color is present in the bronzy aluminum pieces but unfortunately cannot be discerned very well in the photo.

Like an unreasoning bird attracted to shiny objects, or a fish that goes after a gleaming lure, I just love to work in lustrous metals and other glittery/glistening materials. It connects somehow with the core of my primitive brain, initiating certain electro-chemical impulses that my upper level cognitive faculties find pleasurable.

Translation: the Harv entity really likes pretty, shiny things!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think this has something to do with the mother ship calling you home.